Artistic shot of the day- I took this from the Staten Island Ferry, gotta love those free boat rides!
Bedkes came to visit, so we all took a little trip to NYC for the day. We started off at the Ferry, which was SO much fun. Here is me and Jared, we didn't realize Ryan was in the background...but he really classed up the picture, don't you think?
It was my first time on the ocean, to be honest I was a little nervous.
Ryan and Jared hanging out of the side of the boat, followed by me and Jacquie's dramatic interpretation of the Titanic....WE ARE FLYING, JACK!!!
Ryan, Jacquie and Jared in front of the Statue of Liberty. I really recommend the ferry for a look at the Statue- you get pretty close and it was FREE (I can't stress that fact enough).
Us in front of the bull (I know it has some meaning to the financial world, but we just thought he could use a good nose pickin).
We took a carriage ride through Central Park which was really fun (I really need to work on my big belly posture- could the hunched over look make my stomach look ANY bigger???)
We stopped at Ground Zero, where they have some posters of what they are planning on building.
Then we grabbed a bite to eat at the Red Flame- so yummy!!!!
We also walked around Times Square for awhile. The best part of the day (hope I don't get in trouble for telling this) was when Ryan was haggling with a guy over a watch. The guy said he would sell it for $125 and Ryan thought he said he would sell him 1 watch for $25. The look on the guy's face when Ryan offered him $5 has been etched into my mind forever. He grabbed the watch, very offended, and started yelling, and continued yelling at us as we walked away....SO FUNNY!!!!
Finally, after a LONG day of walking, we took the train home. Oh, I forgot to mention I rode on the NY subways for the first time...not as scary as I thought. It was so crowded that we weren't able to get a picture. All together, great day!