We were so lucky this month...we were able to go home for 15 DAYS!!! The joy we felt can be likened unto that of what one experiences when encountering an early Christmas present. Since it was 15 days full o' joy, laughter and jam packed with fun, I tried to condense it all into a few picture collages.
Kerrigan met her Stokes cousins for the first time (seriously, how sad is that-she is almost a year old and just barely meeting family). She absolutely LOVED every minute of it!

The drives were long, but thankfully beautiful...as was Jared's excited "I am on my way to God's country, a pure slice of heaven on earth, Salmon Idaho" face!
We weren't in AZ for as long as we would have liked- but we made good use of our time. We had a picnic in the woods, ate Popsicles, hung out with the Moffitts and of course partook of Del Taco tacos (were you aware that Del Scorcho sauce has been replaced by Del Inferno sauce...a smart move on their part, incredibly tough sounding. Only the bravest of the brave are able to partake of DEL INFERNO!!!!).

Jared got to go golfing a few times...I, however, was not invited- therefore there is no photographic proof of these occurrences. Also not pictorially documented is the fact that a Janalie was spotted on this trip- we even got her to hang out with us old folk for awhile.
Oh, the bottom right picture...proof that I indeed was on the trip : )