Monday, October 11, 2010

Considering the Unthinkable...

If this doesn't give you the heebie jeebies, I don't know what will...

Ok, its not that bad, but it kinda freaked my freak (any Ellen fans out there that caught that?)

So our stuff got in a wreck...old news, right? Well, a few weeks ago, a man called my parents house and left a message saying his stuff was in the wreck as well (the truck was carrying 3 families belongings). We weren't sure how he got my parents' # since the moving company has a privacy policy that prevented them from giving out our phone numbers.

A few days ago, Jared talked to the guy and found out how they got the info.

*edit: Jared pointed out that my previous explanation was a "roadmap" to how to cyber stalk someone. So let's just say my blog was involved in how they found us.*

That scares me. These people had good intentions, but what if someone with bad intentions had done the same thing....

So I am thinking about going private. I HATE private blogs!!!! HATE HATE HATE!!!! I never remember to check them. I hate having to sign in to look at them. I hate signing in just to see that there are no new posts. I just hate them in general.

But I want to be able to post the entire picture to show you my new house, not a cropped version of just us and the front porch (with information on the sign blocked out: )...

...and still feel safe. Not to mention, I have these 2 cuties to look out for:

I don't know. Does anyone know how to allow people to still find my blog even if it is private? Or how to alert people that I have actually posted (so they don't have to sign in for nothing, especially while life is crazy and blogs are sporatic at best)? Maybe how to export my posts to a new blog, and leave this one up to serve those purposes....

What a pickle!!!
Start sending your emails to if you want to continue reading, just in case. Even if you wonder if I remember you...or if you think I would think you were really random for reading my blog. I blog stalk with the best of them, so don't be shy!


Ami said...

Linds you're scaring me here! Will you google my name and see what comes up? When I google it my blog comes up but I think that's because I look at it all the time....also my address and how much I paid for my house comes up. Seriously I could be easily stalked....

Erin said...

That is scary! I would like to still read. Also, one of my friends has a private blog, but to keep everyone updated she still posts on her unprivate blog with a link to her private blog. Wow. Did that make sense? lol.

Cara said...

I just made our blog private. I was worried about people I don't know, knowing all about us. I ended up not posting pictures of our house when we bought it because I was worried about strangers knowing where our house is.

I would still read your blog if it was private.

Lori said...

Yeah- I am planning on going private (announced it months ago and haven't done it yet). I'm just facing the same thing!! I've heard of people doing 2 blogs... one for their PRIVATE posts, and one that's open so you can post "there's an update!" with the link and others can go see what's up. Kind of a hassle, though. I'd love to keep reading your blog, though!! I'll email you right now so you can add me if there's enough room. :)

The Arbuckle's said...

I LOVE having a private blog so you know who exactly is viewing your blog. BUT I also hate it because you are only allowed 100 people, so if you have more than that you will have to get 2 blogs.

We went private when we were getting creepy comments. Its the only way to feel safe.

Lindsay said... We are one of those private people who keep two blogs-one to say there's an update! and another for the real deal. It works for us...cuz I like getting my comments. ;) And I do feel much safer.

The House's said...

If you go private send us an invite!