Tucker turned 3 months old on November 28th. Here are some Tuck facts, as well as his 3 month pictures.
The first few months of life "on the outs" (as we call it) were rough for our little guy. Adjusting to the outside world was difficult and he was a fairly fussy baby.
However, in his third month he really began to enjoy life. He has since become such a giggly, chubby, dimply little dude. He has mellowed out in the crying department...much to my (sanity's) relief!
At 3 months I have no idea how much he weighs. We will leave it at he is one solid kid.
He wears size 3 diapers and has been in 3-6 month clothes for a few weeks.
I hope his eyes don't change. I could not be more in love with their color. It is the second thing people always comment on (after they inform me how huge he is...really? I hadn't noticed : )
While Tucker started laughing (full on laughs, not the infant giggle sound) pretty early, he is still a fairly serious baby. His go to face is generally like the picture below...
...unil someone makes eye contact, then it turns to his toothless, gummy smile.
He started rolling back to stomach to back around 2 1/2 months, which is impressive considering the amount of weight he has to maneuver. He is such a tank!
He started rolling back to stomach to back around 2 1/2 months, which is impressive considering the amount of weight he has to maneuver. He is such a tank!
He hates being on his stomach during his conscious hours, but he loves to sleep on his belly. And thanks to the wonderful discovery of breathing monitors, I am able to enjoy (read:sleep) during his 10 hour nighttime sleep stretches!
I love him. He is so cute.
He is SOOOOOO adorable!
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