Friday, January 30, 2009

In Order to maintain Sanity...

and in the hopes of one day giving Kerrigan a sibling, we are taking a stand!

Before she was born, I SWORE I would never let my baby sleep in my bed (mainly out of fear of rolling over on her). It took a whopping 5 weeks to destroy the promise I had made to myself and for my little stinker to worm her way into the comforts of mommy and daddy's bed.

And now tonight, we are about to endeavor on a scary adventure we know nothing about....getting her out of our bed!

If anyone has any advice on how to get a baby to sleep in their own crib, please share. As I said, we are starting tonight, so your hasty response is necessary.


rachel said...

no a sleep deprivd grumpy mother i let my kids sleep with us. after they were asleep i would lay them in their beds. when they got older it was a lot easier to have them fall asleep in their beds.

Anonymous said...

We haven't had that problem with Mason- sometimes he sleeps in our bed if he has a rough night, but he has never had a problem going back to his own bed. But I am stuck in winging him from a bottle in bed.... Yes, I never should have started that! I was a naive first time mother! I am doing the diluted trick and I think it is working though! But I have a friend trying to wing her daughter from the bed and she is using a doll to sleep with her at night (some sort of comfort and safety object)and she has to have a night light and if she has those she is ok. The first few nights were rough though and they had to figure out what they could give her (besides a bottle) to give her comfort in bed. Good luck!

Jason and Kelsey said...

I too said that my children would never sleep in my bed, but with kamryn it started in the hospital (i know...ridiculous). I just hated having her away from me, when she lived IN me for 9 months. Plus, it was super convenient for night time feedings. She slept in our bed until she was 7 months old and started waking up in the middle of the night smacking us in the faces, and ready to play! Haha. When we switched her over it was 3 rough nights, and she's been a happy camper on her own ever since. BUT she was so much older than Kerrigan, so unfortunately, I think that was my very long way of saying, "Sorry I have no advice for you, but good luck!" :)

The Miller's said...

yeah I need some advice on that to please. Grant is not sleeping in his crib. He sleeps in a pack and play in our room. Im ready to move him to the crib but he still gets up during the night

Ren said...

Good luck! Caleb slept in our bed till he was eight weeks old. Then we moved him into his own crib in his own room (having a separate room really helps). I really don't remember us having a hard time of it. I used to nurse him to sleep, which some people say you shouldn't do, but I didn't care. If he was still awake after he finished eating, I would wrap him up and put him in his crib anyway. We used the Ferber method of letting him cry for five minutes, then checking on him, letting him cry for ten minutes, then checking on him, letting him cry for fifteen minutes, etc. Of course, at that age, he'd still wake up several times a night for feedings, but other than that, he did pretty good. We didn't leave a night light on for him or anything, but we did make sure to always swaddle him. Until he was ridiculously old, we still swaddled him.

The Arbuckle's said...

I never wanted to have NOah sleep with us because I'd constantly have dreams that I was laying on him.

Kerrigan is young so she will adjust quickly.

Good Luck

Kristen said...

Parker slept with us for 2 weeks, but I didn't get much sleep out of fear i would roll on him. I think we would put him to sleep and then put him in his bed. We also used one of those vibrating chairs at night for a while, once we went to bed we turned it off, but it worked well for us.

RaCHELLE HuRD said...

the thing that helped us most is we stopped feeding her in the night. no nursing/bottle/etc, no exceptions. she began eating more in the day to supplement night time. kerrigan is too tiny for that though! also, we let her cry herself to sleep. and if it's been more than 20-30 minutes of crying, when we go in to check on her: no lights, no feeding, no picking up. just love pats, singing, soft talking, etc. it seems to be working for us. tenley slept in bed with us, and i was so embarrassed and sick of it i begged my doctor for help! :) so the above was most of her advice. she is smart! :) if you can get kerrigan to sleep 3-4 hours in her crib at a time, that is GOOD! do you have a crib positioner to lay her in? perhaps a space heater in her room? be persistent. she'll do it. good luck!