Monday, July 5, 2010

18 month pictures....

...exactly 1 month late! I will be pulling the "big pregnant with not a ton of energy to chase a toddler around, preparing to move across the country a few weeks, babysitting a few days a week and trying to soak up as much CT as possible so pretty dang busy" card as my excuse for my tardiness.

I like to think these pictures are well worth the wait, though- isn't she a beaut?!?!?!

Like I said before, I don't have a ton of energy/agility to chase her around. Not to mention the fact I didn't take into account the humidity and heat we would be dealing with! The combination set the scene for way too many of the pictures of her back as she chased birds and bugs (don't you love her expression in the middle bottom picture...her first encounter with a bumble bee), eating grass, throwing mini tantrums and finally thumb sucking and sweating from sheer exhaustion.

Luckily we were able to get some gems that I absolutely ADORE!!!!

Baby K (or I guess Big Girl K is more appropriate) with Mommy and Daddy. Feel free to not look too closely at my face. And rest assured I made the mental note to take any pictures involving me PRIOR to chasing a toddler around for over an hour...I don't think there is a single drop of makeup left on my face- GROSS!!!!

As to not end this post with my face, here is probably my favorite. It captures the essence of my little girl- such a cheerful little bean! It is such a privilege to be her mom, there is not a day that goes by that I take for granted the blessing she is in my life!

18 month stats: 33" (90th percentile), 23 lbs (25th percentile), head circumference...don't remember, but the dr. said it was perfect- whatever that means : )
As far as other milestones, the pediatrician asked us a few times if she was really 3 years old. At one point she asked how many words Kerrigan knew, and I told her the other night I counted in my head while trying to fall asleep (as opposed to counting sheep). When I told her I got to 75ish before I fell asleep, the Dr. laughed and said they usually want them to have at least 4 words by 18 months.
Since then I typed out her words to count, and got to 105+. The little chatterbox picks up new words every day.
She also can count to 7 and identify 2,3,4,5,6,7,9 and the letters p and t. I have no idea where these skills come from, she has seriously picked them up on her own!
The only area we really need to work on is having her feed herself. Operation Kerrigan self feeding will go into full effect once we are in our new place that fits a dining room table (I won't have to lug her high chair out of hiding) and we can either lay a mat out to catch spilling food or have wood floors.

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