I still had 10 days left until my due date, but I was BEYOND ready to meet her!
My feet looked like this (had to include this picture because it cracks me up...unpainted toenails-yuck, purple- double yuck and so swollen even loose socks leave ridges- YUUUUCK!):

Little did I know that in a mere 4 days, Kerrigan would perform her first act of obedience (to me) and defiance (to the Dr. who said I would go late) .
Little did I know that 3 days later, I be holding this in my arms.

Exactly one year ago, I had no idea how much my life was about to change!
your post made me want to cry! I can't believe it has been a year. I was reading my journal about the night you guys came over and told us you were pregs....that was almost 2 years ago! Give K a big hug and kiss for us.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY CARROT!! :-) I'm bummed I can't be there for K's birthday, give her a hug from her Aunt Aubri And Uncle Thomas. Sorry we didn't get this commented on her actual birthday, we are currently internet-less and I didn't see the post until I got to work this morning. :-(
Expect a call today! For belated birthday singing! :-D
oh she is so cute! everyone says it but its so ture...they grow too fast!
you were so tiny, You did not look like you were due anytime soon. But what a sweet post though.
I got teary eyed too! I never would have thought (a year ago) one that I would have my baby early and two that we would have our children born on the SAME day. ONE YEAR is almost over and boy do I love my life with my baby (or almost on year old) in it.
Aw, your post made me teary too! the little newborn pictures always make me so sad! but you were so cute big and preggo!
Can you really believe that it has been a year since your little one came into your life? I just remember you going through so much to get her here. SOOO worth it, right? What a sweet post.
she is 1 already wow time flys
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